।। अभिमंत्रित सिद्ध रुद्राक्ष माला (नेपाली), 1-14 मुखी नेपाली रुद्राक्ष + गणेश रुद्राक्ष + गौरी शंकर रुद्राक्ष, सर्व सिद्ध माला ।।
त्रिपुर वध में रुद्रदेव की आंखों से जो आंसू गिरे वही प्रसिद्ध रुद्राक्ष बने –
त्रिपुरस्य वधे काले रुद्रस्याक्ष्णोऽपतंस्तु ये । अश्रुणो बिन्दवस्ते तु रुद्राक्षा अभवन् भुवि ॥
रुद्राक्ष एक से 14 मुखी तक उपलब्ध होते हैं फिर भी पंचमुखी रुद्राक्ष सबसे ज्यादा पेड़ पर लगते हैं और उनकी सुंदरता और असली होना ज्यादा प्रमाणित है। पंचमुखी रुद्राक्ष कालाग्नि नाम के कहे गए हैं । इनके धारण करने से अगम्यागमन अभक्ष्य भक्षण जैसे पापों से भी व्यक्ति मुक्त हो सकता है-
पञ्चवक्त्रः स्वयं रुद्रः कालाग्निर्नाम नामतः । अगम्यागमनाच्चैव अभक्षस्य च भक्षणात् । मुच्यते सर्व्वपापेभ्यः पञ्चवक्त्रस्य धारणात् ॥
“हूं नमः” इस मंत्र के प्रत्येक रुद्राक्ष को पुष्प से स्पर्श करते हुए 108 बार जप करें। फिर शिवलिंग के साथ रखकर अभिषेक करके धारण करें। बिना मंत्र जप के रुद्राक्ष धारण करना पाप कहा गया–
हूं नमः इति प्रत्येकमष्टोत्तरशतं जप्ता शिवाम्भसा प्रक्षाल्य धारणीयम् ।
“ विना मन्त्रेण यो धत्ते रुद्राक्षं भुवि मानवाः । स याति नरकं घोरं यावदिन्द्राश्चतुर्द्दश ॥
बिना रुद्राक्ष धारण किए जो भी कार्य जब तक किया जाता है वह व्यर्थ हो जाता है-
अरुद्राक्षधरो भूत्वा यद्यत् कर्म्म च वैदिकम् । करोति जपहोमादि तत् सर्व्वं निष्फलं भवेत् ॥ “ स्कान्दे ।
रुद्राक्ष पहनने से मनुष्य देव स्वरूप हो जाता है-
रुद्राक्षधारणादेव नरो देवत्वमाप्नुयात् ॥
1 से 14 मुखी रुद्राक्ष एवं उसकी महिमा:
1 एक मुखी रुद्राक्ष साक्षात शिव है वह ब्रह्महत्या को दूर करता है तथा अग्नि स्तंभन और अमरता प्राप्त होती है –
एकवक्त्रः शिवः साक्षात् ब्रह्महत्यां व्यपोहति । अवध्यत्वं प्रतिश्रोतो वह्निस्तम्भं करोति च ॥
2 मुखी रुद्राक्ष हरगौरी कहा गया है गोवध आदि पापों को वह दूर करता है –
द्विवक्त्रे हरगौरी स्यात् गोवधाद्यघनाशकृत् ।
3 तीन मुखी रुद्राक्ष तीन जन्मों के पापों को दूर करता है –
त्रिवक्त्रोऽग्निस्त्रिजन्मोत्थपापराशिं प्रणाशयेत् ॥तुलाराशिं यथा वह्निर्भस्मसात् कुरुते हर ! । त्रिवक्त्रोऽपि चरुद्राक्षस्तथा दहति किल्विषम् ॥
4 मुखी रुद्राक्ष ब्रह्मा जी के समान कहां गया है वह नर हत्या को दूर करता है-
चतुर्व्वक्त्रस्तु धाता स्यात् नरहत्यां व्यपोहति ।
5 पंचमुखी रुद्राक्ष साक्षात्कालग्नि है उसका फल ऊपर लिखा गया है-
पञ्चवक्त्रस्तु कालाग्निरगम्याभक्ष्यपापनुत् ॥
6 मुखी रुद्राक्ष साक्षात कार्तिकेय हैं। वह गर्भ हत्या आदि दोषों को दूर करता है तथा बालकों की रक्षा करता है–
षड्वक्त्रो यो गुहः साक्षात् गर्भहत्यां शमेदयम् ।
7 सात मुखी रुद्राक्ष अनंत है वह स्वर्ण चोरी आदि पापों को हटाता है —
सप्तवक्त्रो ह्यनन्तश्च स्वर्णस्तेयाघनुत् सदा ॥
8 अष्ट मुखी रुद्राक्ष साक्षात गणेश जी है वह समस्त असत्य भाषण से उत्पन्न पापोंं को दूर करता है –
विनायकोऽष्टवक्त्रः स्यात् सर्व्वानृतविनाशकृत् ।
9 मुखी रुद्राक्ष साक्षात भैरव है वह शिव के साथ व्यक्ति को सायुज्यता प्रदान करता है–
भैरवो नववक्त्रः स्यात् शिवसायुज्यदायकः ॥
10 मुखी रुद्राक्ष एवं विष्णु स्वरुप है भूत प्रेत पिशाच आदि को दूर हटाता है-
दशवक्त्रः स्वयं विष्णुर्भूतप्रेतपिशाचहा ।
11 मुखी रुद्राक्ष साक्षात् रूद्र स्वरूप है वह अनेक यज्ञों का फल प्रदान करता है-
एकादशमुखो रुद्रो नानायज्ञफलप्रदः ॥
12 मुखी रुद्राक्ष सूर्य स्वरूप है वह समस्त तीर्थों के फल को प्रदान करता है–
द्वादशास्यो भवेदर्कः सर्व्वतीर्थफलप्रदः ।
13 मुखी रुद्राक्ष स्वयं कामदेव स्वरूप है समस्त कामनाओं को पूर्ण करता है-
त्रयोदशमुखः कामः सर्व्वकामफलप्रदः ॥
14 मुखी रुद्राक्ष श्रीकांत स्वरूप है वह वंशवृद्धि करता है–
चतुर्द्दशास्यः श्रीकण्ठो वंशोद्धारकरः स्मृतः ।
रुद्राक्ष की प्रतिष्ठा विधि–
रुद्राक्ष को पंचगव्य से स्नान कराकर उसकी प्रतिष्ठा के लिए शिव पंचाक्षर मंत्र का जप करें अथवा त्र्यंबक मंत्र का जप या अघोर मंत्र का जप भी कर सकते हैं-
रुद्राक्षस्य प्रतिष्ठायां मन्त्रं पञ्चाक्षरं तथा । त्र्यम्बकादिकमन्त्रञ्च तथा तत्र प्रयोजयेत् ॥ ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्द्धनम् । उर्व्वारुकमिव वन्धनान्मृत्योर्मुक्षीयमामृतात् ॥
तथा ॐ हौं अघोरे हौं घोरे हूं घोरघोरतरे ॐ ह्रैं ह्रीं श्रीं ऐं सर्व्वतः सर्व्वसर्व्वेभ्यो नमस्तेऽस्तु रुद्ररूपिणे हूं हूं । अनेनापि च मन्त्रेण रुद्राक्षस्य द्विजोत्तमः । प्रतिष्ठां विधिवत् कुर्य्यात् ततोऽधिकफलं लभेत् ॥
प्रतिष्ठा के बाद मुख्य के अनुसार निम्न मंत्रों का जप करके रुद्राक्ष को धारण करें–
ततो यथा स्वमन्त्रेण धारयेद्भक्तिसंयुतः ॥ एकादिचतुर्द्दशवक्त्राणां संस्कारे प्रत्येकं क्रमेण मन्त्रा यथा ।
ॐ ॐ भृशं नमः । १ । ॐ ॐनमः । २ । ॐ ॐ नमः । ३ । ॐ ॐ ह्रीं नमः । ४ । ॐ हूं नमः । ५ । ॐ हूं नमः । ६ । ॐॐ हूं हूं नमः । ७ । ॐ नमः । ८ । ओं हूं नमः । ९ । ॐ हूं नमः । १० । ॐ ह्रीं नमः । ११ । ॐह्रीं नमः । १२ । ॐ क्षां क्षौं नमः । १३ । ॐ नमो नमः । १४ ।
27 रुद्राक्ष की माला धारण करके किए गए कार्य कोटि गुणा फलदायक होते हैं-
सप्तविंशतिरुद्राक्षमालया देहसंस्थया । यः करोति नरः पुण्यं सर्व्वं कोटिगुणं भवेत्।।
रुद्राक्ष पहने हुए यदि कुत्ता भी मर जाता तो वह भी रुद्रपद प्राप्त करता है ।
ऐसा रुद्राक्ष का महत्व है-
रुद्राक्षे देहसंस्थे तु कुक्कुरो म्रियते यदि । सोऽपि रुद्रपदं याति किं पुनर्मानवा गुह ॥
रुद्राक्ष और शिवलिंग स्थूल अर्थात् बड़े आकार के ही विशेष फल प्रदान करते हैं
शालग्राम और नर्मदेश्वर जितने सूक्ष्म अर्थात् छोटे रूप में हों उनका महत्व अधिक होता है–
रुद्राक्षं शिवलिङ्गञ्च स्थूलं स्थूलं विशिष्यते । शालग्रामो नार्म्मदञ्च सूक्ष्मः सूक्ष्मो विशिष्यते ॥ “ इति मेरुतन्त्रे।
रुद्राक्ष की परम शक्तियां :
१ एक मुखी रुद्राक्ष परातत्व का प्रकाशक है। परमतत्व की प्राप्ति की धारणा से इसको धारण करना चाहिए। सहज ही ईश्वर प्राप्ति की शक्ति एक मुखी रुद्राक्ष धारण के द्वारा कही गई है।
२ द्विमुखी रुद्राक्ष अर्धनारीश्वर होता है। इसे धारण करने से अर्धनारीश्वर प्रसन्न हो जाते हैं; ऐसी शक्ति दो मुखी रुद्राक्ष के धारण करने की कही गई है।
३ त्रिमुखी रुद्राक्ष तीन अग्नियों के रूप वाला है। इसके धारण करने से अग्नि की तृप्ति होती है। स्त्री हत्या के पाप से मुक्त कराने की शक्ति विशेष, तीन मुखी रुद्राक्ष में है।
४ चतुं मुखी रुद्राक्ष पितामह ब्रह्मा के स्वरूप वाला है। इसके धारण करने से श्री और उत्तम आरोग्य की प्राप्ति होती है। अर्थात् इसके धारक का स्वास्थ्य ठीक रहता है। नरहत्या के पाप को दूर करने की शक्ति इस रुद्राक्ष में है। इसे महाज्ञान, शुद्धि और सम्पत्ति के निमित्त भी मनुष्य को धारण करना चाहिए ।
५ पंचमुखी रुद्राक्ष पंचब्रह्म स्वरूप वाला है। इसके धारण मात्त्र से शिवजी संतुष्ट होते हैं। यह अभक्ष्याभक्ष्य और अगम्या- गमन के पाप से छुटकारा कराता है। इस पंचमुखी रुद्राक्ष की शक्ति का नाम रुद्रकालाग्नि भी कहा गया है।
६ षष्टमुखी (छः मुख वाले) रुद्राक्ष के देवता कार्तिकेय हैं। कई बुद्धिमान इसके देवता गणेश को भी मानते हैं, लेकिन इसके धारण करने से दोनों प्रसन्न होते हैं। छः मुखी रुद्राक्ष के बायें हाथ में धारण करने से ब्रह्महत्या दूर हो जाने की शक्ति का वर्णन मिलता है।
७ सात मुखी रुद्राक्ष की देवता सात माताएँ हैं। सूर्य और सप्तऋषि भी इसके देवता हैं। इसके पहनने से महालक्ष्मी की प्राप्ति होती है। पवित्र होकर धारण करने से इसके द्वारा बड़ी ज्ञानसम्पत्ति भी प्राप्त होती है। स्वर्ण की चोरी आदि के पाप से मुक्ति दिलाने की शक्ति इसमें विशेष है।
८ अष्टमुखी रुद्राक्ष की आठ माताएँ देवता हैं। यह आठों वसु और गंगा को प्रसन्न करने वाला है। इसको पहनने से सत्यवादी सब देवता प्रसन्न होते हैं। दुष्टवंश की स्त्री और गुरुपत्नि का स्पर्शादि पापों से मुक्ति दिलाने का उपाय आठ- मुखी रुद्राक्ष धारण करना है। और भी कई पापों के नष्ट करने की शक्ति इसमें है।
९ नौमुखी रुद्राक्ष के देवता भैरव और यमराज हैं। इसके धारण कर लेने से यमराज का भय नहीं रहता। इसी को वाईं मुजा में पहनने से बल मिलता है। भ्रूणहत्या (गर्भपात) करने के प्रायश्चित स्वरूप नवमुखी रुद्राक्ष धारण कर लेने पर पाप से मुक्ति होती है।
१० दस मुखी रुद्राक्ष की स्वामी दसों दिशाएँ हैं। भगवान विष्णु भी इसके देवता हैं। इसके धारण करने से दसों दिशाओं में कीति बढ़ती है। भूत, पिशाच, बेताल, ब्रह्मराक्षस आदि सब दसमुख रुद्राक्ष से शान्त होते हैं। इसके धारण से मनुष्य के सर्वग्रह शान्त रहते हैं, ऐसी शक्ति इसमें हैं।
११ एकदश मुखी रुद्राक्ष के ग्यारह रुद्र देवता हैं। इन्द्र भी इसके स्वामी कहलाते हैं। जो कुछ दान करने की अभिलाषा रही हो परन्तु दान न कर पाया हो तो ग्यारह मुखी रुद्राक्ष शिखा में धारण कर लेने से दान की पूति हो जाती है क्योंकि हजारों गोदान का जो पुण्यफल है वह इसको पहनने वाले को मिलता है।
१२ बारह मुखी रुद्राक्ष महाविष्णु के स्वरूप वाला है। बारहों आदित्य इसके देवता हैं। इसके पहन लेने से किसी भी शस्त्र- धारी और व्याध इत्यादि का भय नहीं व्यापता। इसके धारण करने वाला आधिव्याधि से दूर होकर राजा बनने के योग्य होता है। शासन करने की इच्छा करने वाले व्यक्ति को इसका धारण करना बड़ा लाभप्रद है।
१३ तेरह मुखी रुद्राक्ष के देवता कामदेव हैं। यह काम और रस-रसायन को सिद्ध प्रदान करने वाला है। इसके धारण करने वाले को सब प्रकार के भोग प्राप्त होते हैं। किसी बन्धु बान्धव को मारे हुए का पाप का छुड़ाने के लिए इसका धारण करना उत्तम है।
१४ चौदह मुखी रुद्राक्ष रुद्र के नेत्र से प्रगट हुआ है। यदि चौदह मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष मिल जाये तो इसे सिर पर धारण करने से बहुत मान सम्मान मिलता है। इस रुद्राक्ष के अनन्त गुण हैं। इसको पहनने से मनुष्य साक्षात शिव स्वरूप हो जाता है।
नोट – मन्त्र के बिना अभिमन्त्रित किये रुद्राक्ष का धारण निषेध:
बिना मन्त्र से अभिमन्त्रित किये रुद्राक्ष को धारण नहीं करना चाहिये । बिना अभिमन्त्रित के रुद्राक्ष पहनने वाला व्यक्ति एक कल्प वर्ष तक पापी बनकर नरक में पड़ा रहता है।
यथा –
बिना मन्त्रेण यो धत्ते रुद्राक्षभुविमानवः । सयाति नरक घोर पापादिन्द्राश्चतुर्दश । ८३॥ (विद्य श्वर सं० १/अध्याय २५)
“पद्म पुराण” में भी वर्णन आया है कि बिना मन्त्र से अभिमन्त्रित किये रुद्राक्ष पहनने वाला व्यक्ति घोर नरकगामी होता है। (इति तन्त्र सारः)
1 to 14 Mukhi Rudraksha Beads –
1 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 1 Mukhi Rudraksha, often known as the “Ek Mukhi” Rudraksha, is exceedingly rare and symbolizes unity and singularity. It is believed to enhance focus, concentration, and meditation practices. It is also associated with the ruling deity Lord Shiva. The most powerful, divine, and auspicious gift that nature has given to mankind is the Ek Mukhi Rudraksha. The king of all Rudraksha beads, it is the rarest of all Rudraksha mukhis. Lord Shiva, also known as Param Shiva, the pure mind, is in charge of the One Mukhi Rudraksha.
– Using a single face Rudraksha is the most potent bead for Dhyaan/Meditation and spiritual advancement, and it satisfies the wearer’s needs.
– Antahkarana Shuddhi destroys past karma and misdeeds
– A means of achieving Moksha or release
– It enables one to inspire revolutionary ideas for the benefit of the masses.
– Being able to access the collective mind makes it easier to relate to the general public.
2 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha represents the divine union of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. It is believed to promote harmony, balance, and understanding in relationships, making it an ideal bead for couples and individuals seeking emotional well-being. The divine do Mukhi Rudraksha, which is ruled by the planet Moon, represents the union of Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati. The 2 Mukhi Rudraksha, which symbolizes the Ardhnareshwar form of the god’s Shiva and Parvati, is a symbol of harmony between the masculine and feminine forces in nature.
– It aids in reducing the negative effects of the moon.
– It resolves issues with the left eye, colon, and kidney.
– It improves relationship harmony
– It takes out roadblocks to marriage.
– It encourages infertile couples to conceive
– The wearer brings in a prosperous business partnership
– It improves friendships and other relationships
3 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 3 Mukhi Rudraksha signifies the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. It is associated with creativity, self-expression, and self-confidence. This bead is believed to enhance communication skills and artistic abilities.Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh (Tridev) are said to appear in the shape of the Three Mukhi Rudraksha, which also embodies the energies of the three worlds of the sky, earth, and the underworld.
– The Three Mukhi Rudraksha enhances digestion and promotes bodily wellness.
– Wearing three Mukhi Rudrakshas improves a person’s courage, sharpness, and leadership skills.
– Three Mukhi Rudrakshas provide good fortune and success in the political and governmental spheres.
– The person has financial stability and business success, and Lakshmi moves in permanently.
– The 3 Mukhi Rudraksha is a representation of academic accomplishment for those who are pursuing an education.
4 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 4 Mukhi Rudraksha is associated with the four-headed Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe. It is believed to bring about grounding energy, stability, and a sense of security. It is also said to help overcome obstacles. The most genuine and potent varieties of Rudraksha, the Java and Nepal varieties, are where you may find the 4 Mukhi beads.
– It increases success in the fields of singing and public speaking.
– The wearer develops clarity and precision in thinking and communication
– incorporating behavior and communication
– It improves the wearer’s intelligence, wit, and logic.
– Students, academics, teachers, authors, journalists, and researchers can all greatly benefit from it.
5 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 5 Mukhi Rudraksha is perhaps the most common and widely used. It represents the five elements and is believed to promote overall well-being, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. It is often used as a tool for meditation and healing. It is a kalagni Rudra (Lord Shiva’s form) identity and functions as a Jyotish or spiritual medicine to counteract Jupiter’s unfavorable influence.
– Promotes the wearer’s well-being and tranquility.
– Promotes mental transformation and positive energy.
– Brings luck and promotes mental tranquility.
– soothes the negative effects of Jupiter.
– Encourages spirituality, tranquility, health, and mental fortitude.
– Aids those who are cautious and introverted.
– Aids in developing self-worth, individuality, and creativity
– Aids in developing mental toughness.
6 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 6 Mukhi Rudraksha is linked to Lord Kartikeya, the god of war and son of Lord Shiva. It is believed to enhance willpower, focus, and courage. This bead is often worn to overcome challenges and achieve success. The surface of the 6 Mukhi Rudraksha (Six-Faced Rudraksha) is naturally lined with six vertical lines. It is known as the “problem-solving Rudraksha” since it helps the wearer escape any uncomfortable circumstances. Lord Kartikeya, the valiant son of Lord Shiva and Parvati, is in charge of running it.
– It improves a person’s ability to think rationally, increasing their attractiveness, intelligence, and stability of mind.
– It also improves their oratory skills and instills creative traits.
– It regulates Venus’s negative influence.
– It increases energy and encourages activity
– It aids in the management of diabetes
7 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 7 Mukhi Rudraksha represents Goddess Maha Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and abundance. It is believed to bring financial prosperity, success and material blessings. This bead also promotes spiritual growth and insight. According to certain ancient scriptures, the 7 Mukhi Rudraksha also represents both Lord Kamadeva and the goddess of riches, Lakshmi. It is claimed to enhance one’s health and vigor. Given that it represents Goddess Lakshmi, this Rudraksha is very beneficial for attracting riches. The 7 Mukhi Rudraksha brings wealth and joy to the wearer.
– Seven Mukhi Rudraksha is worn for career and commercial gains.
– This Rudraksha can be worn to obtain luck in trying circumstances.
– The Seven Mukhi Rudraksha is really helpful for ending poverty at home and obtaining financial wealth.
– Wearing seven Mukhi Rudraksha can help you ward off Shani’s bad karma.
– A person should wear Seven Mukhi Rudraksha if they have joint discomfort and mental tension.
– The 7 Mukhi Rudraksha brings great wealth and fortune to the wearer. It makes advancement opportunities and job prospects better.
8 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 8 Mukhi Rudraksha is associated with Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, who is praised before beginning any task. It is believed to provide inner strength, clarity of thought, and the ability to overcome challenges. This bead is often worn to gain wisdom and intelligence. The Eight-Faced Rudraksha, or 8 Mukhi Rudraksha, naturally has 8 vertical lines running from top to bottom across its surface.
– It aids in overcoming unforeseen life delays
It aids in overcoming setbacks and difficulties.
– It encourages a shift in perspective and encourages initiative in overcoming obstacles.
– It regulates the Mooladhara Chakra.
– It aids in removing planet Ketu’s negative influence.
– It mitigates the negative effects of Kaal Sarp Dosha.
– The wearer’s wisdom and awareness are increased
9 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 9 Mukhi Rudraksha represents Goddess Durga, the warrior goddess. It is believed to provide protection, fearlessness, and a strong sense of purpose. This bead is worn by those seeking to overcome negativity and adversity. it is strong in both spiritual and material aspects. Rudraksha’s rare 9 Mukhi beads, known as Nava Durga and including the powers of all nine goddesses, are ruled by the goddess Durga. This Rudraksha gives the bearer worldly conveniences and satisfies wants to be known as Bhogha in addition to emancipation, or Moksha.
– Rahu’s negative impacts are countered by Mukhi, which also enhances its positive effects.
– Get relief from Rahu Dosh,
– aid in Rahu Mahadasha and Antardasha relief,
– alleviate Kaalsarp Dosh (wear 8 Mukhi Rudraksha), and
– aid in Surya Grahan Dosha and Chandra Grahan Dosha relief.
10 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 10 Mukhi Rudraksha is linked to Lord Vishnu and is believed to promote a sense of security, peace, and protection. It is often worn to alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional imbalances. Represents the Gods of all 10 directions, and those who wear it are blessed by them. This Rudraksha also protects us from the sins committed by our body’s 10 organs.
– The ten incarnations and ten directions are represented by the ten Mukhi of this Rudraksha.
– Ten Mukhi Rudrakshas serve as a shield for the body, keeping evil at bay.
– The user of this Mukhi receives a lot of uplifting energy.
11 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 11 Mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Hanuman, the epitome of devotion and strength. It is believed to enhance intuition, spiritual awareness, and self-confidence. This bead is often used for meditation and spiritual practices. Eleven Rudras, Ekadash Mukhi Rudraksha, and Eleven Face Rudraksha are other names for Eleven Mukhi Rudraksha. For Shiva’s followers, this is the most successful and effective Rudraksha out of all the other Rudrakshas. It is known as the light mass of Lord Rudra Shiva. Lord Hanuman is the eleventh Rudra out of a total of eleven.
– Wearers are bestowed with knowledge, a fulfilling existence, courage, sound judgment, a large vocabulary, and success.
– guards against unintentional demise and deformation.
– aids in meditation and solves yogic practice issues.
– It makes the wearer healthy and fit and aids in the treatment of many ailments.
12 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 12 Mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes Lord Surya, the sun god. It is believed to bestow radiance, vitality, and success. This bead is said to enhance leadership qualities and promote good health. The wearer of this Rudraksha acquires the qualities of the sun, which include its ability to rule and move without interruption with dazzling warmth and vigor.
– Wearers of Twelve Mukhi Rudrakshas experience the sun’s brilliance.
– This Rudraksha dispels anxiety, mistrust, and dread.
– The twelve Mukhi Rudraksha improves drive and self-esteem.
13 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 13 Mukhi Rudraksha holds the energies of Lord Kamdev and Lord Indra. It is believed to enhance charm, attraction, and charisma. This bead is often worn to improve relationships and social interactions. The shape of the king Indra is represented by Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksha, and Lord Indra is pleased when this Rudraksha is worn.
– It bestows popularity and charm upon the wearer.
– This Rudraksha elevates the wearer’s spirit while providing all material comforts.
– It makes sure the wearer succeeds in trying circumstances.
14 Mukhi Rudraksha:
The 14 Mukhi Rudraksha is associated with Lord Hanuman and is believed to provide protection, strength, and courage. this 14 Mukhi Rudraksha also regarded as the Deva Mani. It is often worn to overcome challenges, fears, and obstacles in life. This Fourteen Mukhi Rudraksha, the most valuable of all Rudra jewels, has great strength. Since Lord Shiva himself wears this Rudraksha, many people believe it to have originated from his eyes. This Rudraksha has a powerful beneficial impact and gives the user uplifting energy.
– This is the top bead used to represent Lord Hanuman.
– It is extremely helpful for reducing Saturn’s malefic impact and Sade Sati.
– It endows a person with strength, vitality, and leadership skills.
– It is excellent for obesity, arthritis, bone, and muscle.
Ganesh Rudraksha:
The Ganesh Rudraksha is the rudraksha known for its effective power and look. The ruling God of this Rudraksha is Lord Ganesha, the Vighna Harta, who removes all obstacles and difficulties, and its ruling planet is Rahu. The wearer not only gets success in every endeavor by the blessings of Ganpati Bappa.
It also gets the strength and courage to face adversities and challenges in life, the wearer of this Ganesh Rudraksha. It also increases the stability and peace of mind, which helps the worshipper/wearer of this sacred bead remain calm and self-possessed. It bestows an extra slice of luck, a fortune that results in a better, healthier, and more prosperous life.
Anyone who desires name, fame, and leadership qualities, should wear the Ganesh Rudraksha. This sacred bead is also very beneficial for businessmen, stockers, and investors.
This Ganesh Rudraksha is wearer by people all over the world and this Rudraksha is the symbol of Lord Ganesha and revolved among other genres of rudrakshas available in this world. If you seek the most prosperous, healthy and peaceful life, then you can wear this rudraksha on a regular basis and gets the benefit of it.
A person who wears this Ganesh rudraksha and does pooja of Lord Ganesha will gets the maximum powers and benefits of this rudraksha. Lord Ganesha helps in getting the goal of your life and also helps in achieving it. This Ganesh Rudraksha is known for bringing good luck in the life of the wearer. You can also keep this Ganesh rudraksha in your MANDIR to get the positive effect of this rudraksha.
Benefit of Ganesh Rudraksha:
- Ganesh rudraksha bead helps to attain self-confidence and low self-esteem.
- Ganesh Rudraksha gives all worldly comfort to the wearer.This rudraksha also reduces the anger power of the wearer.
- Ganesh rudraksha can be worn by those people who are suffering from Blood Pressure issues.
- This Ganesh rudraksha also brings good luck to the wearer.
- This rudraksha bead is beneficial for people of multinational companies, investors, and businessmen.
- This bead provides all spiritual, physical, and mental benefits to the wearer.
Gauri-Shankar Rudraksha:
The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha, the most celebrated esoteric accessory of spiritual seekers, has been used comprehensively since time immemorial. Botanically known as Eliocarpus Ganitrus, Rudraksha are the dried seeds of a tree which grows in select locations of South-East Asia, predominantly in the upper Himalayan Mountain. Assisting the spiritual seeker in many ways, Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is potent aids for one’s physical, psychological, mental well-being, and one’s spiritual sadhana.
The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha are beads that look like two beads fused together and can be worn by anyone above 14 years of age. The Gauri Shankar Rudraksha is a certain kind which brings balance between your Ida and Pingala. If you are a balanced human being and you function sensibly in your life, opulence may come. It happens mostly when energies function well.
Gauri Shankar which is the Unison of Male (Yang) Shiva and female (Ying) Shakti is the most authoritative Rudraksha for devout wholeness. As per ancient philosophy, the entire universe is a manifestation of pure consciousness in manifesting the universe, this pure consciousness seems to become divided into two poles or aspects, neither of which can exist without the other. One characteristic retains a static quality and remains identified with unman fest consciousness in Tantra this quality is called Shiva and is conceptualized as masculine the other part of this polarity is a dynamic, energetic or creative aspect that is called Shakti, the great mother of the universe, for it is from her that all is born.
Benefit of Gauri Shankar Rudraksha:
- For sadhus and sanyasis, they were constantly moving so this rudraksha is good for their health and they can wear it or take this bead with them where ever they go.
- People have started eating and sleeping in different places because of their business or profession, so a Gauri Shankar rudraksha can be helpful.
- For someone who is constantly on the move and who eats and sleeps in various places, this rudraksha is very good support because it creates a cocoon of your own energy.
The combination of these Mystical Power Rudraksha Beads brings overall prosperity, good luck, and happiness. Benefits of wearing this powerful 1-14 Mukhi Rudraksha Siddha Mala:
- Tantra Astro Energized Siddha Mala Wearer attracts prosperity and happiness in his/her life
- It regulates and encourages the flow of money
- Bringing family unity. Infuse the household with uplifting energy. Protect family from the negative gaze.
- Protect the family. Ensure the family’s health.
- Get rid of roadblocks in life. Get rid of the Vaastu dosh influence.
- Bring God and the Goddess into your household and bless them.
- Make your family successful and happy. Invite God and the Goddess into the family. Pray for the next generation
- For successful accomplishments and ambitious people who want to reach the top level, This combination has rudraksha beads representing all planets and representing all Devi and Devatas
- This is a powerful combination that balances 6 chakras, Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha and Sahasrara.
- This rudraksha combination pacifies malefic planets
- This is a powerful healing combination that releases stress, fear, lethargy, low self-confidence, powerlessness, grief, hopelessness and discontentment.
- Brings positivism in the life of the wearer
- It connects all the Chakras in the body and drives courage and self-respect
- Enhances the intelligence and wisdom of the wearer and removes dullness from the personality
- Brings optimism, good health, vigor, vitality, abundance, new opportunities, luck, harmony and prosperity and spiritual growth in life
- Removes bad luck and misfortune from the life of the wearer
- It gives peace of mind and harmony in relationships
- This Mala manifests all the abundance in the life of a wearer
- It changes the karma of the wearer by taking a person naturally to the right path of truth
- It helps in controlling stress and gives peace of mind
- It brings clarity in thoughts and enhances the intellect and Intuition power of the wearer
- It makes the “white circle” around the wearer that removes negativity and obstacles thereby creating a path to your success
- It helps to create a more intimate connection with the positive forces in nature and the cosmos
- Rudraksha has many health benefits too. Its Therapeutic benefits: It helps to get relief in digestive disorders, Insomnia, upper back pains, dizziness and enhances energy levels & many more benefits
For ages, Rudrakshas are part and parcel of our life. The word Rudraksha is a combination of Rudra (“Shiva“) and Aksha (‘Teardrops”).
It combines divine energy of all common rudraksha’s and is regarded as a one-stop solution for all material and mental problems. It has been said by Lord Shiva himself in Shiv Puran that any person who wears all Mukhi rudraksha’s (Siddh Mala) becomes like me and therefore with all the efforts one should have to try and procure this.
Also, our ancient literature and Shastras approve the same. As the popularity of Rudraksha is increasing immensely nowadays, many scientific studies have been undertaken in recent years to determine the real significance of the healing powers of Rudraksha.
The research has also confirmed that the healing powers of Rudraksha beads work scientifically and magically.
This 1 to 14 Mukhi Rudraksha Siddha Mala is made up of sacred beads consist of 1 Mukhi to 14 Mukhi with Gauri Shankar and Ganesha Rudraksha Beads that are strung as per the Rudraksha Science Therapy which yields incredible results in the shortest period. is a potent tool for spiritual growth, healing, and holistic well-being.
Each Mukhi represents a different facet of life and offers unique benefits to the wearer. Whether seeking emotional harmony, financial prosperity, inner strength, or spiritual insight, the Siddha Mala has a bead for every need. However, it is important to remember that the power of these beads lies not just in wearing them, but in cultivating a sincere and dedicated spiritual practice that aligns with their energies.
The wearer of this Mala is always the most fortunate person in the world. This Mala is a blessing of Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Goddess Durga, Lord Ganesha, Lord Surya, and other Deities.
Note : All types of Ratna, Rudraksha and Religious materials are delivered to you by Tantra Astro after being duly purified, awakened and sanctified under the supervision of learned Brahmins so that you get full benefit.
Dev Sehdev –
Ru send originality certificate & any discount coupon ???
Payal chourasiya –
best nd 100%pure Enerzised rudraaksh also helped me in reducing the obstacles and after wearing I felt enormously energetic and positive regarding to my everyday cycle . I am just in love with the products which actually bring me out from my mental issues overthinking , negative energy,. etc..Thankyou so much for bringing this realistic rudraaksh in market at a suitable and affordable price …… 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Tantra Astro –
Thank you for your valuable feedback may lord Mahadev bless you 🙏